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debitmètre FLT20 compactmanchettes sur banc de testdébitmètre ultrasons canal ouvert rivièreCoffret débitmètre ultrasons FLT10 sur murSondes ultrasons FLT25 sur conduitesmanchette électromagnétique FLT02M sur conduiteSonde à insertion FLT01 sur conduitemanchettes FLT02M sur banc d'étalonnage

You have a measurements, a diagnosis , an evaluation  of leakage, a diagram of  pump, diagnosis of fire hydrant.

- You have measurements to realize, this measurement can last several weeks.
FLOWLAB technologies places at your disposal :
Ultrasonics Flowmeters , electromagnetic insersion probes, measurement of level, pressure...

A formation on the use of these products is assured so as to optimize the time of renting.

- You have a specific measurement to realize.
FLOWLAB technologies places at your disposal its instruments with technician.

A specialized technician intervenes on site (in France or foreign) with the adapted material,
its experiment enables him to choose the measuring point effectively and to thus optimize the intervention.

FLOWLAB engages. A certificate of measurements is provided
at the end of the intervention with the recordings of measurements carried out.

Copyright FLOWLAB Technologies 2002-2021 All rignts reserved
4, Le Pré de la Marquise, Av. du Roussillon 13109 SIMIANE COLLONGUE
Mentions légales